Cook, Serve, Delicious!

#roadto2020 – Cook, Serve, Delicious!


Cook, Serve, Delicious! is like a drug for me. I bought it in 2013 and played over and over for many hours. I found it on Humble Store while it was on sale and I could not resist.

It’s addictive gameplay (and my passion for food) made it one of the games I played the most on Steam. I played it for days and days, memorizing every recipe pattern and challenging myself by putting the hardest recipes on my menu. I actually broke one of my previous keyboards because of Cook, Serve, Delicious! 

Unfortunately, its sequel wasn’t as good as the first entry in the series. I mean, there were many improvements in both gameplay and artistic direction, but the missing Story Mode was a big flaw. The Story Mode in Cook, Serve, Delicious! was meant to make the player unlock more features with a good pacing. The sequel has everything already unlocked, and you just need to farm some money to buy the recipes you prefer.

Scritto da
Sofia Marotta

Videogiocatrice da sempre, amante dei RPG e con una passione smodata per The Binding of Isaac. Nel tempo libero, oltre ai videogiochi, legge o ricama.

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