
345 Articoli
BioShock Infinite

#roadto2020 BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite is in my TOP 20 not only because it’s a great game, but also because it’s the first game I reviewed...


#roadto2020 – Splatoon

Since its announcement, I was interested right away. Splatoon was one of the main reasons that made me buy a Nintendo Wii U...

#roadto2020 FFXIII

#roadto2020 – Final Fantasy XIII

I can hear you from here. “What?! Why is Final Fantasy XIII the 20th game of your decade?!” and stuff like that. But...

#roadto2020 outsiders

#roadto2020 – The Outsiders

Tomorrow I will start posting my TOP 20 of games I played this decade, but as a rule I decided to choose only...


My #roadto2020

Another year is ending, but it’s also the end of an entire decade. Many things have changed, but one has never: my passion...

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